
Common interfaces

class AbstractOptimizer

Base type for all optimizers.

class AbstractLearningRateScheduler

Base type for all learning rate scheduler.

class AbstractMomentumScheduler

Base type for all momentum scheduler.

class OptimizationState

The size of the mini-batch used in stochastic training.


The current epoch count. Epoch 0 means no training yet, during the first pass through the data, the epoch will be 1; during the second pass, the epoch count will be 1, and so on.


The current mini-batch count. The batch count is reset during every epoch. The batch count 0 means the beginning of each epoch, with no mini-batch seen yet. During the first mini-batch, the mini-batch count will be 1.


The current iteration count. One iteration corresponds to one mini-batch, but unlike the mini-batch count, the iteration count does not reset in each epoch. So it track the total number of mini-batches seen so far.

get_learning_rate(scheduler, state)
  • scheduler (AbstractLearningRateScheduler) – a learning rate scheduler.
  • state (OptimizationState) – the current state about epoch, mini-batch and iteration count.

the current learning rate.

class LearningRate.Fixed

Fixed learning rate scheduler always return the same learning rate.

class LearningRate.Exp

\(\eta_t = \eta_0\gamma^t\). Here \(t\) is the epoch count, or the iteration count if decay_on_iteration is set to true.

class LearningRate.Inv

\(\eta_t = \eta_0 * (1 + \gamma * t)^(-power)\). Here \(t\) is the epoch count, or the iteration count if decay_on_iteration is set to true.

get_momentum(scheduler, state)
  • scheduler (AbstractMomentumScheduler) – the momentum scheduler.
  • state (OptimizationState) – the state about current epoch, mini-batch and iteration count.

the current momentum.

class Momentum.Null

The null momentum scheduler always returns 0 for momentum. It is also used to explicitly indicate momentum should not be used.

class Momentum.Fixed

Fixed momentum scheduler always returns the same value.

Parameters:optimizer (AbstractOptimizer) – the underlying optimizer.

A utility function to create an updater function, that uses its closure to store all the states needed for each weights.

Built-in optimizers

class AbstractOptimizerOptions

Base class for all optimizer options.

normalized_gradient(opts, state, grad)
  • opts (AbstractOptimizerOptions) – options for the optimizer, should contain the field grad_scale, grad_clip and weight_decay.
  • state (OptimizationState) – the current optimization state.
  • weight (NDArray) – the trainable weights.
  • grad (NDArray) – the original gradient of the weights.

Get the properly normalized gradient (re-scaled and clipped if necessary).

class SGD

Stochastic gradient descent optimizer.

SGD(; kwargs...)
  • lr (Real) – default 0.01, learning rate.
  • lr_scheduler (AbstractLearningRateScheduler) – default nothing, a dynamic learning rate scheduler. If set, will overwrite the lr parameter.
  • momentum (Real) – default 0.0, the momentum.
  • momentum_scheduler (AbstractMomentumScheduler) – default nothing, a dynamic momentum scheduler. If set, will overwrite the momentum parameter.
  • grad_clip (Real) – default 0, if positive, will clip the gradient into the bounded range [-grad_clip, grad_clip].
  • weight_decay (Real) – default 0.0001, weight decay is equivalent to adding a global l2 regularizer to the parameters.
class ADAM

The solver described in Diederik Kingma, Jimmy Ba: Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization. arXiv:1412.6980 [cs.LG].

ADAM(; kwargs...)
  • lr (Real) – default 0.001, learning rate.
  • lr_scheduler (AbstractLearningRateScheduler) – default nothing, a dynamic learning rate scheduler. If set, will overwrite the lr parameter.
  • beta1 (Real) – default 0.9.
  • beta2 (Real) – default 0.999.
  • epsilon (Real) – default 1e-8.
  • grad_clip (Real) – default 0, if positive, will clip the gradient into the range [-grad_clip, grad_clip].
  • weight_decay (Real) – default 0.00001, weight decay is equivalent to adding a global l2 regularizer for all the parameters.