Digit Recognition on MNIST

In this tutorial, we will work through examples of training a simple multi-layer perceptron and then a convolutional neural network (the LeNet architecture) on the MNIST handwritten digit dataset. The code for this tutorial could be found in examples/mnist.

Simple 3-layer MLP

This is a tiny 3-layer MLP that could be easily trained on CPU. The script starts with

using MXNet

to load the MXNet module. Then we are ready to define the network architecture via the symbolic API. We start with a placeholder data symbol,

data = mx.Variable(:data)

and then cascading fully-connected layers and activation functions:

fc1  = mx.FullyConnected(data = data, name=:fc1, num_hidden=128)
act1 = mx.Activation(data = fc1, name=:relu1, act_type=:relu)
fc2  = mx.FullyConnected(data = act1, name=:fc2, num_hidden=64)
act2 = mx.Activation(data = fc2, name=:relu2, act_type=:relu)
fc3  = mx.FullyConnected(data = act2, name=:fc3, num_hidden=10)

Note each composition we take the previous symbol as the data argument, forming a feedforward chain. The architecture looks like

Input --> 128 units (ReLU) --> 64 units (ReLU) --> 10 units

where the last 10 units correspond to the 10 output classes (digits 0,…,9). We then add a final SoftmaxOutput operation to turn the 10-dimensional prediction to proper probability values for the 10 classes:

mlp  = mx.SoftmaxOutput(data = fc3, name=:softmax)

As we can see, the MLP is just a chain of layers. For this case, we can also use the mx.chain macro. The same architecture above can be defined as

mlp = @mx.chain mx.Variable(:data)             =>
  mx.FullyConnected(name=:fc1, num_hidden=128) =>
  mx.Activation(name=:relu1, act_type=:relu)   =>
  mx.FullyConnected(name=:fc2, num_hidden=64)  =>
  mx.Activation(name=:relu2, act_type=:relu)   =>
  mx.FullyConnected(name=:fc3, num_hidden=10)  =>

After defining the architecture, we are ready to load the MNIST data. MXNet.jl provide built-in data providers for the MNIST dataset, which could automatically download the dataset into Pkg.dir("MXNet")/data/mnist if necessary. We wrap the code to construct the data provider into mnist-data.jl so that it could be shared by both the MLP example and the LeNet ConvNets example.

batch_size = 100
train_provider, eval_provider = get_mnist_providers(batch_size)

If you need to write your own data providers for customized data format, please refer to AbstractDataProvider.

Given the architecture and data, we can instantiate an model to do the actual training. mx.FeedForward is the built-in model that is suitable for most feed-forward architectures. When constructing the model, we also specify the context on which the computation should be carried out. Because this is a really tiny MLP, we will just run on a single CPU device.

model = mx.FeedForward(mlp, context=mx.cpu())

You can use a mx.gpu() or if a list of devices (e.g. [mx.gpu(0), mx.gpu(1)]) is provided, data-parallelization will be used automatically. But for this tiny example, using a GPU device might not help.

The last thing we need to specify is the optimization algorithm (a.k.a. optimizer) to use. We use the basic SGD with a fixed learning rate 0.1 and momentum 0.9:

optimizer = mx.SGD(lr=0.1, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=0.00001)

Now we can do the training. Here the n_epoch parameter specifies that we want to train for 20 epochs. We also supply a eval_data to monitor validation accuracy on the validation set.

mx.fit(model, optimizer, train_provider, n_epoch=20, eval_data=eval_provider)

Here is a sample output

INFO: Start training on [CPU0]
INFO: Initializing parameters...
INFO: Creating KVStore...
INFO: == Epoch 001 ==========
INFO: ## Training summary
INFO:       :accuracy = 0.7554
INFO:            time = 1.3165 seconds
INFO: ## Validation summary
INFO:       :accuracy = 0.9502
INFO: == Epoch 020 ==========
INFO: ## Training summary
INFO:       :accuracy = 0.9949
INFO:            time = 0.9287 seconds
INFO: ## Validation summary
INFO:       :accuracy = 0.9775

Convolutional Neural Networks

In the second example, we show a slightly more complicated architecture that involves convolution and pooling. This architecture for the MNIST is usually called the [LeNet]. The first part of the architecture is listed below:

# input
data = mx.Variable(:data)

# first conv
conv1 = @mx.chain mx.Convolution(data=data, kernel=(5,5), num_filter=20)  =>
                  mx.Activation(act_type=:tanh) =>
                  mx.Pooling(pool_type=:max, kernel=(2,2), stride=(2,2))

# second conv
conv2 = @mx.chain mx.Convolution(data=conv1, kernel=(5,5), num_filter=50) =>
                  mx.Activation(act_type=:tanh) =>
                  mx.Pooling(pool_type=:max, kernel=(2,2), stride=(2,2))

We basically defined two convolution modules. Each convolution module is actually a chain of Convolution, tanh activation and then max Pooling operations.

Each sample in the MNIST dataset is a 28x28 single-channel grayscale image. In the tensor format used by NDArray, a batch of 100 samples is a tensor of shape (28,28,1,100). The convolution and pooling operates in the spatial axis, so kernel=(5,5) indicate a square region of 5-width and 5-height. The rest of the architecture follows as:

# first fully-connected
fc1   = @mx.chain mx.Flatten(data=conv2) =>
                  mx.FullyConnected(num_hidden=500) =>

# second fully-connected
fc2   = mx.FullyConnected(data=fc1, num_hidden=10)

# softmax loss
lenet = mx.Softmax(data=fc2, name=:softmax)

Note a fully-connected operator expects the input to be a matrix. However, the results from spatial convolution and pooling are 4D tensors. So we explicitly used a Flatten operator to flat the tensor, before connecting it to the FullyConnected operator.

The rest of the network is the same as the previous MLP example. As before, we can now load the MNIST dataset:

batch_size = 100
train_provider, eval_provider = get_mnist_providers(batch_size; flat=false)

Note we specified flat=false to tell the data provider to provide 4D tensors instead of 2D matrices because the convolution operators needs correct spatial shape information. We then construct a feedforward model on GPU, and train it.

# fit model
model = mx.FeedForward(lenet, context=mx.gpu())

# optimizer
optimizer = mx.SGD(lr=0.05, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=0.00001)

# fit parameters
mx.fit(model, optimizer, train_provider, n_epoch=20, eval_data=eval_provider)

And here is a sample of running outputs:

INFO: == Epoch 001 ==========
INFO: ## Training summary
INFO:       :accuracy = 0.6750
INFO:            time = 4.9814 seconds
INFO: ## Validation summary
INFO:       :accuracy = 0.9712
INFO: == Epoch 020 ==========
INFO: ## Training summary
INFO:       :accuracy = 1.0000
INFO:            time = 4.0086 seconds
INFO: ## Validation summary
INFO:       :accuracy = 0.9915
[LeNet]Lecun, Y.; Bottou, L.; Bengio, Y.; Haffner, P., Gradient-based learning applied to document recognition, Proceedings of the IEEE, vol.86, no.11, pp.2278-2324, Nov 1998.

Predicting with a trained model

Predicting with a trained model is very simple. By calling mx.predict with the model and a data provider, we get the model output as a Julia Array:

probs = mx.predict(model, eval_provider)

The following code shows a stupid way of getting all the labels from the data provider, and compute the prediction accuracy manually:

# collect all labels from eval data
labels = Array[]
for batch in eval_provider
  push!(labels, copy(mx.get_label(batch)))
labels = cat(1, labels...)

# Now we use compute the accuracy
correct = 0
for i = 1:length(labels)
  # labels are 0...9
  if indmax(probs[:,i]) == labels[i]+1
    correct += 1
println(mx.format("Accuracy on eval set: {1:.2f}%", 100correct/length(labels)))

Alternatively, when the dataset is huge, one can provide a callback to mx.predict, then the callback function will be invoked with the outputs of each mini-batch. The callback could, for example, write the data to disk for future inspection. In this case, no value is returned from mx.predict. See also predict().